Hidrostal Pumps
Hidrostal Pumps are ideal for transporting most sludge and raw sewage. Available in a variety of types and installations, such as Submersible/Immersible Pumps, Dry Pit/Bearing, Frame Type Pumps, Engineered Solids Handling Pumps, Axial Flow Pumps and Fish Friendly Pumps.
3 series from 1 manufacturers
- Adhesives
- Agriculture
- Aviation
- Bakery and confectionery
- Brewing and beverages
- Building Services
- Ceramics
- Chemical
- Convenience food
- Dairy
- Detergents
- Distilleries
- Docks
- Drinking Water
- Fish Farming
- Flood Defence
- Food & Beverage
- Meat Processing
- Mining
- Nuclear Power Plants
- Offshore
- Oil & Gas
- Oil Fats & Mayonnaise
- Paint & Surface Coating
- Paper Mills
- Petrochemical
- Plastic
- Power Generation
- Research & Development
- Surface Finishing
- Textile
- Wastewater
- Water Treatment
- Abrasive Liquids
- Aluminium Oxide Slurry
- Biological Broths and Slurries
- Cooling Water
- Crystalline Slurry
- Fruit and Vegetables
- Irrigation Water
- Lake Water
- Latex
- Produced Water
- Seawater
- Sensitive and Viscous Fluids
- Separated Oil Processing
- Sewage
- Solids and Abrasives
- Surface Water
- Surfactants
- Synthetic Fibers
- Vinegar
- Wastewater
- Water