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fluidity.nonstop fluidity

Pump Repair & Maintenance

It all depends on the application and operating conditions. For us what matters is the close proximity to your production plant and availability of our skilled technicians or authorized service partners. That's why we can arrange a pre-schedule overhaul or a short notice inspection.

AxFlow offers complete maintenance and repair service on any pump brand or type, either on site or at our service facility. Service on sensitive hygienic pumps are conducted in a separate hygienic service area.

Overhaul and replacement of worn parts

Inspection and diagnosis. We arrange collection of your pump and do a complete overhaul and prepare a full service report detailing the overall pump condition.

Exchange/replacement product as a back up

If your pump is out of service - we have a backup pump to offer. We can minimize your downtime whiles ensuring quality repair and replacement of your pump.

Workshop repairs

Alternately we can service your equipment offshore or insitu at your own facility. We keep spares on shelf and can also supply mechanical sealing solutions.


When the failure report and quotation with recommendations are accepted by you we refurbish the pump.

We offer these services
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UAB Flow Technologies