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fluidity.nonstop fluidity

Abaque HD25, HD32, HD40, HDX40

The Abaque™ Peristaltic Hose pump will handle your toughest pumping needs – from abrasive and aggressive to shear-sensitive and viscous fluids.

  • 9600 l/h
  • 16 bar

User benefits

  • The Abaque pump has none of the usual parts that create problems on other pumps: seats, valves, mechanical seals. The hose is the only replacement part.
  • Handling of the toughest pumping challenges, including extremely abrasive and aggressive fluids, solid loaded liquids, as well as shear sensitive and viscous materials.

Product features

  • Constructed in heavy-duty ductile iron and steel
  • Designed to provide reliable 24/7 pump operation
  • Rugged close-coupled gear reducer.
  • Seal-less design eliminates leaks and product contamination
  • Ability to run dry continuously without adversely affecting the pump’s performance
  • Pressing gland and square section ring provide strong hose holding and efficient tightness.

Product description

Abaque pumps currently operate in some of the most demanding environments including mining, water and wastewater treatment, energy, chemical processing and OEM applications.




Max Capacity
9600 l/h
Max Differential Pressure
16 bar
Max Temperature
80 °C
Max Viscosity
28000 cP