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fluidity.nonstop fluidity

Omni Valve OmniSeal

OmniSeal® DB&B expanding plug valves are ideally suited for product isolation, refining, fueling, metering, terminal and storage applications

Product features

  • API 6D Monogrammed
  • Highest Quality Plug Valves at Affordable Prices
  • Delivered to Exact Customer Specifications and Requirements
  • Engineered, Assembled and Tested for Years of Trouble Free Service

Product description

The OmniSeal® is a single valve solution that simultaneously blocks both the upstream and downstream flow while allowing the user to verify seal integrity using a manual or automatic body bleed system. It replaces older double block and bleed systems that use two valves with a spool and bleed valve in-between. OmniSeal® valves have exclusive features designed for better performance throughout the valve’s lifetime.

UAB Flow Technologies