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Polityka strony internetowej

Kiedy odwiedzasz tę stronę internetową, możesz zostać poproszony o podanie pewnych danych osobowych. Niniejsza polityka strony internetowej opisuje, jak przetwarzamy Twoje dane osobowe i jak używamy plików cookie na naszej stronie internetowej. Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek pytania dotyczące przetwarzania Twoich danych osobowych lub naszego używania plików cookie, zapraszamy do kontaktu z nami pod adresem
Jeśli chcesz otrzymać informacje w swoim lokalnym języku, prosimy o kontakt pod tym samym adresem e-mail. 

Aby zmienić ustawienia plików cookie, kliknij te linki dalej na stronie / To change Cookie Content Settings click on these links further down the page: Zmień swoją zgodę | Anulowanie zgody - follow this link

What personal data will be processed and what is the purpose of the processing?

If you make a request through our website, AxFlow will collect and process your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, fax, any message and other data you may send us through our website. The personal data is collected from you directly. Providing your contact details is mandatory in order for us to handle your request. We may also process your personal data to contact you in your capacity as a company representative with newsletters or other communication or marketing which you may be interested in. We will also collect information regarding receipt of newsletters and marketing material we may send you and track which links etc. you have clicked on.

AxFlow may from time to time request information for market research purposes. Such information is always optional and as with any other personal information will not be shared with any other party without your permission.
Your personal data will also be collected and processed through cookies, as set out in our cookie policy further down.

Who has access to the personal data and how long is it stored?

The personal data you provide to us may be transferred to AxFlow external suppliers (such as IT-suppliers) to the extent necessary to administer and perform mailings in accordance with your wishes. AxFlow will however not sell, rent or give away your personal information to any unrelated company, organization or individual without your permission. It is possible that where appropriate, your data will be transferred within the AxFlow Group for processing and use within the AxFlow Group in other countries. Only persons at AxFlow who need to use your personal data for the purposes described above will have access to the personal data. AxFlow has also taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against e.g. loss and unauthorized access.
Your personal data that is processed for the administration of your request will be deleted once we have completed administration of such request, unless you or the company you represent become a customer to AxFlow. In such case you will receive further information regarding the processing of your personal data.
Your personal data that is processed for the administration of your subscription will be stored until you unsubscribe from such subscription.
Please note that your personal data will be stored for a longer period than mentioned above if it is required by applicable laws.

Your rights

AxFlow Holding AB reg. no. 556356-6529, with address Sveavägen 151, 113 46 Stockholm, Sweden, is the controller of the processing of your personal data. This means that we are responsible for ensuring that your personal data is processed correctly and in accordance with applicable laws.
You are entitled to know what personal data we are processing regarding you, and you can request a copy of such data. You are entitled to have incorrect personal data regarding you corrected, and in some cases, you may request that we delete your personal data (if, for example, the personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected). You also have the right to object to certain processing of your personal data (such as direct marketing) and request that the processing of your personal data be limited. Please note that limitation or deletion of your personal data may result in us not being able to fulfill our commitments. You are also entitled to extract your personal data in a machine-readable format and to transfer the personal data to another controller.

If you have questions regarding how we process personal data concerning you, you are welcome to contact us at or by mail to the address above.

If you have any objections or complaints with the way we process your personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the local data protection supervisory authority.



AxFlow's cookie policy

This cookie policy applies to AxFlow's use of cookies on our website. This cookie policy describes what kind of cookies we use on the website, the purpose of each cookie, how long we store them and how you can block or delete cookies.
If you wish to receive information in your local language, please contact us at

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that may be placed on your device (e.g. computer, smartphone or tablet) when you visit a website. Cookies are used to allow websites to function more efficiently and to collect information to the owner of a website.

Read more about cookies at the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority's website:

What do we use cookies for?

Some of the cookies AxFlow is using are strictly necessary and essential to make the website work correctly and to enable you to move around the website and use its features. You are not required to approve our use of strictly necessary cookies since they are required in order for us to provide the website.

The website also uses cookies which allow us to optimize the performance of the website's features, to improve your experience of the website, to make the website easier to use and to better tailor the website to your interests and needs. Further, we use cookies to compile anonymous and aggregated statistics that allow us to understand how our users use the website and to help us improve.

Google Analytics

AxFlow uses the tool Google Analytics, including Google Tag Manager, to collect information about the use of the website. The purpose is to better understand our users' needs and to create better content for our website visitors. By saving Google Analytics cookies in your browser, we can see, for example, what kind of information you request or what features are important to you.

AxFlow does not combine the information collected through the use of Google Analytics with other PII (personally identifiable information).

Google's possibility to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to our website is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Service, available at:, and the Google Privacy Policy, available at:

You can prevent Google Analytics from recognizing you on return visits to the website by disabling cookies on your browser.

No Cookies?

If you don't want cookies to be stored on your computer, you can make settings in your browser to prevent this. You can also make settings so you get a warning every time a website wants to store a cookie on your computer.
If you don't want your visits on the AxFlow website to appear in Google Analytics statistics, you can use a so-called opt-out extension to your browser.

Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on

How to prevent and/or delete cookies

Most internet browsers are initially set to automatically accept cookies. You can change your settings to block cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent to your device. You can also choose to delete all the cookies stored on your device.
How you delete cookies or modify your browser settings is stated in the instructions to your browser or the help function which most browsers are equipped with. If you use different devices to view and access the website (e.g. your computer, smartphone, tablet etc.) you will need to ensure that each browser on each device is adjusted to suit your cookie preferences.
Note that if you disable the cookies that we use, this may impact your experience while on the website. For example, you may not be able to visit all parts of the website, and some parts of the website may not function correctly.

If you do not want us to use any cookies on your device please change the settings for cookies as set out above.

Changes in the cookie policy and questions

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W przypadku problemów z Państwa urządzeniem zachęcamy do kontaktu albo poprzez poniższy formularz serwisowy, albo bezpośrednio z naszym inżynierem serwisu Panem Jarosławem Szyszkowski tel. 601-912-772.

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Zapytanie na części zamienne

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W przypadku zapotrzebowania na części zaminne prosimy o wypełnienie poniższego formularza albo wysłać e-maila na adres

Dane kontaktowe
Chcemy, abyś dokładnie wiedział, jak działa nasza usługa i dlaczego potrzebujemy Twoich danych kontaktowych. Proszę powiedzieć, że przeczytaliście i zaakceptowaliście te warunki, zanim będziecie kontynuować. Polityka strony internetowej
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