Systea Continuous Flow Analyzer Flowsys III
SubCategory: ContinuousFlowAnalyzers
Manufacturer: Systea
Industry: Chemical;FoodBeverage;WaterTreatment;Petrochemical;NuclearPowerPlants;BrewingBeverages;Distilleries
Flowsys III is a unique continuous flow analyser designed primarily for soil and water analysis, offering high performance, low maintenance costs and a user-friendly interface.
The segmented airflow technique allows the automation of simple to complex colorimetric analyses such as those requiring UV distillation and/or mineralisation.
FlowSys III takes advantage of the benefits of micro-flow analysis by performing each step of the analytical procedure in a reaction line of one millimetre diameter. Microflow offers many advantages such as a 40% reduction in reagent volume compared to the 2nd generation FlowSys.
The FlowSys high precision multi-channel pump allows for low maintenance and maximum flexibility. The physical properties of the analysis circuit and segmentation allow for highly efficient continuous mixing and faster kinetic reactions. Microflow brings safety and ease to complex processes such as distillation (cyanide, phenol index) or UV digestion (total N and P).