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Eaton Bag Filters

Bag filters from one of the world's leading manufacturers with the largest range of bag filter systems on the market.


Bag filters are used to remove particles, colourants, ochre and more.

The filter systems and filter bags are used for food, pharma, and all types of industry.

The filter housings are available in stainless steel and plastic. PP and PVDF. As single and multi-filter housings - up to 24 bags.

The filter bags are available in the following materials: PP, PE, NMO, Nomex, PTFE

The bag filters can be supplied with all the relevant approvals. FDA and EEC certificates for food and pharmaceutical industry.

Filter bags are available for absolute and nominal filtration and as sewn or welded with steel ring or plastic ring.

The bag filters are available in filtration degrees from 0.1 micron to 1500 micron. Eaton bag filters are approved by an independent agency accredited by the EU for certification of filters.

Eaton produces filter housings from small single housings to large multi housings with up to 24 bags in double length.


ATEX Certificate

CE Marking

EC 1935/2004

ISO 9001