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Sensus SIRT

Sensus SIRT is and customised Sensus iPERL. SIRT makes it possible to configure and read measuring points efficiently, from a computer or handheld reading device such as the PSION WA PRO.


Sensus SIRT (Sensus Instalation Radio Tool) is designed to efficiently collect telegrams from measuring points such as Sensus iPERL. These measuring points send regular telegrams that SIRT intercepts and creates. This makes it very easy to read the measuring points, as you do not need to know where the individual measuring points are physically located.

This is made possible by the Sensus-RT 1½ Direction LAT (Listen After Talk) radio system.

Our new measuring points can of course also be read by all OMS-compatible wM-BUS systems from most suppliers.

Sensus SIRT can be used alone or together with the PSION WA PRO handheld reading device or a computer. Communication on Bluetooth.

Sensus SIRT can be used together with PSION Workabout PRO.


CE Marking

Where to use