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Sensus Meitwin RF

MeiTwin now comes in an updated version with smart meter setting and the possibility of remote reading via SensusRead and Diavaso software from Sensus.


These meters with dimensions from DN 50 to DN150 transmit radio signals and can be read in the same way as the water meter model iPERL. They come with both a SensusRF radio transmitter and a built-in wireless M-BUS OMS mode that can be used to communicate with an electricity meter, among other things.

You can use DriveBy or Gateway method to read data from the water meter. With this innovation, we now offer remote reading for meters in all dimensions from DN 15 to DN 150. Using encoders with SensusRF sensors attached to the 420 and 620 models, all meters in the Sensus family can now be read remotely.


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