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fluidity.nonstop fluidity

APV Gaulin 125T Homogenizer

The APV Gaulin 125T homogeniser is a three plunger,reciprocating pump, fitted with asingle-stage homogenising valve (two-stageoptional) with manually adjustable hydraulicactuators. 

Key specifications

  • Flows up to 50000 l/h
  • Pressure up to 600 bar


The APV 125T incorporates a durable slow speed Power End in a low and compactdesign, mounted on a concrete sub-frame thatreduces vibrations and noise. One point of control and direct visibility to allinternal and external indicators, combinedwith easy access to all service areas, saves time and money by simplifying inspection andreducing maintenance to a minimum.

The more modular and flexible design of the APV 125T makes it suitable for a wide rangeof applications and valve types. Homogenisingvalves can easily be changed in order toaccommodate different types of product and/or capacities on the same homogeniser. Liquid End options include the Rannie three piecevalve housing and the Gaulin monoblockdesign, both available with a choice ofvalves, plungers, and packings according toyour requirements.


Start/stop buttons

2nd stage homogenising valve with hydraulic or manual actuation

Potentiometer-controlled electrical valves for hydraulic actuators

Remote Kit including 4-20mA output for product pressure, controllers for automatic pressure control and oil-filter alarm switch

Plunger lubrication control package including flow switch and solenoid valve

Inlet pressure gauge with low pressure switch

Aseptic cylinder design

High-pressure outlet connections …

Pulsation dampener(s): inlet and outlet

Micro-Gap homogenising valve for increased homogenising efficiency

Motor starter

Low-noise insulation of Power End and extension for Liquid End as add-on kit

Ventilators for very hot environments

Plungers in ceramics

Choice of materials for cylinder block, pump valves, homogenising valves, packings, etc.

Products 6

APV Gaulin 125 T50

APV Gaulin 125 T50

Capacity 6 m³/h
Pressure 600 bar

APV Gaulin 125 T60

APV Gaulin 125 T60

Capacity 9 m³/h
Pressure 400 bar

APV Gaulin 125 T70

APV Gaulin 125 T70

Capacity 12 m³/h
Pressure 300 bar

APV Gaulin 125 T80

APV Gaulin 125 T80

Capacity 16 m³/h
Pressure 250 bar

APV Gaulin 125 T85

APV Gaulin 125 T85

Capacity 18 m³/h
Pressure 210 bar

APV Gaulin 125 T90

APV Gaulin 125 T90

Capacity 21 m³/h
Pressure 200 bar


Max. capacity
50000 l/h
Max. diff. press.
600 bar
Min. capacity
180 l/h


3-A Certificate

ATEX Certificate

CE Marking


ISO 9001