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fluidity.nonstop fluidity

HWM Pcorr+

PCorr+ is a compact leak detection device that provides both noise logging and correlation in one complete system.

Product features

  • Dedicated software: correlation software based on the successful SoundSens platform
  • Instant access via app: WebCorr compatible for data download, correlation and upload to PermaNET Web
  • Sound recording: ability to record and replay sound files, through WebCorr, for leak listening and correlation
  • File sharing: sound files can be e-mailed to colleagues through WebCorr
  • Wireless data transfer: efficient data transfer through the new Patroller 4 device


Incorporating correlation software that builds upon our recognised SoundSens platform, PCorr+ delivers consistently high quality sound recordings. Our newly-developed PCorr+ software is compatible with the WebCorr mobile app, allowing users to replay sound files and correlate data in the field.

Through WebCorr, data can be transferred to the cloud-based PermaNET Web platform for collation and analysis.


The wireless data transfer functionality of PCorr+ means that, in conjunction with Patroller 4, data can automatically be collected.

This ability allows for efficient 'drive-by' data collection.

PCorr+ is a flexible solution as it is portable, allowing for both permanent and semi-permanent deployment. Semi-permanent deployment allows for devices to be removed from one part of the network and re-installed in a different area.