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fluidity.nonstop fluidity

Flowserve VTP

Flowserve's VTP vertical turbine pump is a diffuser type, single or multiple stage design for continuous service in wet pit and deep well applications. With more than 300 bowl and impeller designs, the VTP provides unsurpassed hydraulic coverage to ensure the best pump selection for a wide variety of services.

Key specifications

  • Flows up to 13600 m³/h
  • Pressure up to 100 bar

Product features

  • Standard and ISO 13709/API 610 (VS1), latest edition configurations
  • Open or enclosed lineshaft construction
  • Enclosed or semi-open impellers, keyed or collet mounted


VTP pumps are available in a wide variety of configurations, constructions and materials to suit application requirements.

Other configurations:

VTP double casing with optional API 610 design

VTP-WUC double casing to API 610, ASME Code Section VIII and IX, German Pressure Vessel Association (AD) and other international standards


Max. capacity
13600 m³/h
Max. diff. press.
100 bar
Max. temperature
200 Celsius
Min. temperature
-45 Celsius
Max. head
700 m


API 610 Certificate

CE Marking