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fluidity.nonstop fluidity

Grundfos CR-series

Grundfos CR-serie a vertical, multistage centrifugal pump with suction and discharge ports on the same level. The pump head and base are in cast iron - all other wetted parts are in stainless steel (EN 1.4301)

Key specifications

  • Flows up to 336 m³/h
  • Pressure up to 40 bar

Product features

  • With 16 flow sizes and hundreds of pressure sizes to choose from, you can be sure that there is a pump to match your job requirement.
  • A wide range of connection types and flange sizes to choose from means the pump can be connected to any system.
  • Very long-lived bearings, thanks to hardwearing materials and a wide range of options for difficult liquids.


The CR pump is built from cast iron with all wetted parts made of AISI 304 grade stainless steel, making this pump suitable for non-corrosive liquids. With world-class efficiency, flows up to 320 m3/h and 40 bar working pressure, the CR is the perfect virtical centrifugal pump for a range of demanding applications, such as liquid transfer, circulation and pressure boosting of cold or hot water, aqua-farming and field irrigation.


Max. capacity
336 m³/h
Max. diff. press.
40 bar
Max. temperature
120 Celsius
Min. temperature
-30 Celsius
Max. head
362 m