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fluidity.nonstop fluidity

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS Diaphragm Metering Pumps

Bran+Luebbe offers you an unrivalled range of metering pumps for practically every situation where liquids have to be metered and blended.The product range includes leakage-free diaphragm pumps as well as plunger pumps.Pumps API 675 complaint & ATEX.

Key specifications

  • Flows up to 22.37 m³/h
  • Pressure up to 1000 bar

Product features

  • Hermetically sealed pump design
  • Optimal capacity adaptation to widely varying production processes
  • Variable speed drive allows flow rate variations while maintaining
  • Modulaarinen rakenne tarpeittesi mukaan. Rakenteen avulla saavutetaan hyvä varaosa yhteneväisyys
  • Useita iskunpituuden säätömahdollisuuksia; manuaalinen, sähköinen ja pneumaattinen


The membrane pumps are designed with B+L's patented membrane positioning system (PDPC), which effectively prevents membrane fractures even in extreme operating conditions. The pumps are lineic and the capacity changes via the stroke length. The regulation can be done both manually, as well as electrically or pneumatically. In the case of multi-head pumps (up to 6 elements on the same drive motor), adjustment can be done individually on the various elements, both during walking and at standstill.

Products 9

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Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS H4

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS H4

Capacity 17.06 m³/h
Pressure 1000 bar

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS H8

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS H8

Capacity 15.52 m³/h
Pressure 1000 bar

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS H6

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS H6

Capacity 8.44 m³/h
Pressure 1000 bar

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS BS

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS BS

Capacity 12 m³/h
Pressure 1000 bar

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS BS

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS B

Capacity 12.59 m³/h
Pressure 1000 bar

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS H2

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS H2

Capacity 1.81 m³/h
Pressure 700 bar

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS H3

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS H3

Capacity 2.827 m³/h
Pressure 700 bar

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS H1

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS H1

Capacity 0.75 m³/h
Pressure 500 bar

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS H5

Bran+Luebbe NOVADOS H5

Capacity 22.37 m³/h
Pressure 1000 bar


Max. capacity
22.37 m³/h
Max. diff. press.
1000 bar
Max. temperature
150 °C
Max. viscosity
10000 cP
Min. temperature
-40 °C
Min. viscosity
0.5 cP


API 675 Certificate

ATEX Certificate

CE Marking

EAC Certificate

EC 1935/2004

ISO 14001

ISO 9001