Bran+Luebbe ProCam Plunger Metering Pumps
Ideal for applications with operating pressures up to 80 bar, especially for the economic metering of nonhazardous liquids with flow rates from 0,16 to 60,5 l/h. Robust gear technology with proven cam and spring design for long operating life. Pumps ATEX.
Key specifications
- Flows up to 60 l/h
- Pressure up to 80 bar
Product features
- Hermetically sealed pump head with mechanically operated PTFE double diaphragm
- Allows economic operation without loss in operating safety and reliability
- Diaphragm condition monitoring
- Modulaarinen rakenne, mahdollistaa useiden pumppupäiden liittämisen yhteen
- Joustava ratkaisu kaikkien vaativienkin nesteiden siirtoon
Economical dosing of non-explosive media
Pressure up to 80 bar
Robust gear technology