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fluidity.nonstop fluidity

Waukesha Universal Twin Screw Pump

High performance hygienic twin screw pumps

Key specifications

  • Flows up to 277 m³/h
  • Pressure up to 25.5 bar

Product features

  • Gentle product handling - Pumps large particulates without degradation
  • Easy maintenance - Front loaded access to product side seals
  • Process flexibility - Low inlet pressure requirement and a wide range of operating speeds allow for multiple duties including process and CIP supply. Bi-directional flow capability without making modifications to the pump.


The Waukesha Universal TS range is a new and innovative positive displacement twin screw pump for hygienic applications. This precision pump offers a gentle flow and the ability to pump both product and CIP therefore reducing overall process costs considerably.

Products 4

Waukesha 220-UTS

Waukesha 220-UTS

Capacity 277 m³/h
Pressure 25.5 bar

Waukesha 130-UTS

Waukesha 130-UTS

Capacity 136 m³/h
Pressure 25.5 bar

Waukesha 030-UTS

Waukesha 030-UTS

Capacity 56 m³/h
Pressure 25.5 bar

Waukesha 015-UTS

Waukesha 015-UTS

Capacity 31.8 m³/h
Pressure 25.5 bar


Vertical, Horizontal
Mechanical Seal


Max. capacity
277 m³/h
Max. diff. press.
25.5 bar
Max. temperature
149 Celsius
Min. temperature
-40 Celsius
Min. viscosity
1 cSt