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Based in Germany, ANDRITZ Ritz GmbH is a leading manufacturer of centrifugal pumps and motors for transport of all kinds of fluids.

What makes Andritz Ritz Special 

ANDRITZ Ritz GmbH, based in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany, is one of the world's leading manufacturers of pumps and motors for the transport of all types of liquids. In December 2010, the company became part of the ANDRITZ GROUP. 

For over 130 years, the name Ritz has stood for the highest reliability and quality “Made in Germany”. With a comprehensive product range, we support our customers worldwide in successfully mastering demanding production tasks in the areas of water supply, mining, industry, wastewater and offshore. As an innovation and technology leader in the areas listed above, we are the perfect partner wherever liquids need to be transported safely, efficiently and at the lowest possible cost. 

 With ANDRITZ Ritz the water cycle is closed. Our pumps are used to extract water from shafts, wells and deep wells up to 1,500 meters as well as for water treatment, water transport and water distribution. 

What does Andritz Ritz manufacture 

ANDRITZ develops and manufactures standard and customized pumps and submersible motors for a wide range of different applications and industries. Over 165 years of experience in building hydraulic machines and comprehensive process know-how form the basis of the high standard of our pump engineering.  

ANDRITZ Ritz pumps are used in industry for a variety of pumping tasks – in primary and secondary circuits. Our customers include the automotive industry, mechanical and plant engineering as well as the chemical and steel industries. Even operators of mines and offshore facilities all over the world swear by ANDRITZ Ritz products, because powerful and absolutely reliable pumps are the fundamental prerequisite for trouble-free mining operations. 

Why buy Andritz Ritz from AxFlow 

AxFlow offers fluid handling equipment for the widest range of industries and applications. Only at AxFlow do you receive individual advice from industry-experienced process engineers and the selection of the world's leading process technology equipment. Do you need support in selecting the right pump for your needs? Do not hesitate to get in touch. AxFlow's experts and engineers can provide guidance for selecting, specifying, installing, and maintaining your pump.