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1960s SPP Pump Repair

Monday, March 19, 2018

Our vision, mission, our promise – fluidity.nonstop and our values FAR SIGHTED, GOOD TO WORK WITH and MAKING THINGS HAPPEN – they all keep us pulling in the same direction.

A great example of how we apply this in our daily business is our service, maintenance and repair operations throughout the market place. Nothing that can be refurbished, recycled or re-used in our days, should go to waste!

SPP WCQN6 Split case units

Energy Generation

To remove repair and re-install two pumps originally installed in the 1960's which suffered from a range of wear related problems of the pumps' long service lives.

Work Carried Out:

  • Replacement of all shaft bushes, sleeves and shaft.
  • Repairing and balance impellers.
  • Reinstallation and testing.


Pump as received

Repaired pump ready for despatch