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fluidity.nonstop fluidity

AODD Pumps for Paint

Transferring shear sensitive solvents and resins.

Wilden PX8 Stainless Steel AODD Pumps.

Paint Manufacturing.

Transferring a wide range of liquid raw materials including solvents and resins along with shear sensitive finished paints, into process vessels, IBCs and road tankers. Many of the liquids contained solids with most pumps being sited in hazardous areas.

A range of ATEX certified Wilden PX8 Air Operated Double Diaphragm (AODD) stainless steel pumps fitted with PTFE diaphragms .

Wilden AODD pumps offered an extremely flexible solution in terms of their technical features and logistical benefits.

Wilden AODD pumps are able to handle both thin and viscous fluids, liquids with high solid contents while the intrinsic pumping action subjected the finished paint products to very little shear. They are self priming and will run dry and can run against a shut valve - useful traits when it comes to working with IBCs and tanker off loading.

The pump's construction consisted of stainless steel bodies and Teflon (PTFE) diaphragms to improve their chemical and abrasion resistance, which also meant that all units were compatible with use in hazardous ATEX zones.

Wilden pumps were able to cope with the extremely wide range of liquids, flow rates, pressures and pipework as their performance is inherently easy to modify, allowing a single pump to respond to a range of duties

Logistically the Wilden pumps proved very successful as they are portable, easy to maintain, quick to set-up and used a common range of spare parts.