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fluidity.nonstop fluidity

Sandpiper S1F Non-Metallic Pump

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Part of the SANDPIPER Standard Duty-Non Metallic Pumps series, the Sandpiper S1F Non-Metallic Pump is suitable for liquids with maximum temperature 100 oC and has a maximum capacity 10.2m3/h


Protok po obrtu
Ulaz za tekućinu
1 ″
Ispuštanje tekućine
1 ″
Grupe proizvoda
Membranske crpke na pneumatski pogon


Maks. promjer krutih tvari
Min. temperatura
-40 °C
Maks. temperatura
177 °C
Maks. diferencijalni tlak
7 bar
Maks. kapacitet
10.2 m³/h

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