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fluidity.nonstop fluidity

Waukesha 130-UTS

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The 130-UTS is part of the Waukesha Universal Twin Screw Series, made for hygienic applications. This pump can handle pressures up to 25.5 bar (375 PSI) and 2500 max RPM.


Protok po obrtu
0.91 l/rev
180 kg
Ulaz za tekućinu
64 mm
Ispuštanje tekućine
102 mm
Grupe proizvoda
Vijčane crpke


Maks. promjer krutih tvari
18 mm
Min. temperatura
-40 Celsius
Maks. temperatura
149 Celsius
Maks. diferencijalni tlak
25.5 bar
Maks. kapacitet
136 m³/h

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