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SubCategory: PeristalticPumps
Manufacturer: Realax
Industry: AcetateProduction;FruitConcentrateProduction;ResearchDevelopment;SurfaceFinishing;WastewaterTreatment;WaterTreatment;AdhesivesProduction;Agriculture;PetFoodProduction;HeatingWaterSanitation;BakeryConfectionery;Petrochemical;BeautyPersonalCare;Marine;MeatProcessing;Docks;Mining;BrewingBeverages;BuildingServices;PaperMills;PaintResinProduction;PaintSurfaceCoating;Ceramics;Chemical;ConvenienceFood;DetergentProduction;Diary;PowerGeneration;DyePigmentProduction;EmulsionProduction;FertilizerProduction;FoodBeverage
Key specifications
- Flows Up To 42 m³/h
- Pressure Up To 8 bar
Product features
- Suction lift - up to 9 metres
- Pumps can run dry without any damage
- Seal-less construction
- Bi - directional
- Abrasion Resistant
- High accuracy
- Easy and economical maintenance
- Corrosion resistant
- Easy to clean
Product description
Peristaltic pumps are ideal for pumping following media:
Sludge, lime filter press feed, slurry, mortar,
clay slurry, carbonates, kaolin, etc.
Paints, glues, inks, latex, pigments, oils,
detergents, acids, peroxides, etc.
Dairy products, wines, sauces, jams, liquid egg,
mayonnaise, meat products, fruit juices, etc.
Products 6

Realax IP-70
Capacity 18.5 m³/h
Pressure 8 bar

Realax IP-70D
Capacity 35 m³/h
Pressure 8 bar

Realax IP-60
Capacity 10 m³/h
Pressure 8 bar

Realax IP-50
Capacity 5 m³/h
Pressure 8 bar

Realax IP-40
Capacity 3.4 m³/h
Pressure 8 bar

Capacity 1.7 m³/h
Pressure 8 bar