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realAx ISI Series Food Grade

Robust, FDA and EU 1935/2004 compliant peristaltic pumps for the food and beverage industry.

Key specifications

  • Flows Up To 1200 l/h
  • Pressure Up To 8 bar

Product features

  • Suction capacity up to 9 metres
  • Reversible rotation
  • High dosing accuracy
  • Easy maintenance
  • Without sealing devices

Product description

The realAx ISI series peristaltic pumps for food applications are equipped with food grade tubing and stainless steel flanges. They are ideal for transferring dairy products, edible fats, oils, fruit purees, ready meals and beverages.

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Max. capacity
1200 l/h
Max. diff. press.
8 bar
Max. temperature
70 °C
Max. viscosity
10000 cP

Where to use

Brian Coleman
Food & Beverage Sectors.