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Sealless pumps with magnetic clutch

Pumps with magnetic drive are specialized versions of conventional pumps (centrifugal, gear), where the pump chamber is hermetically sealed, and torque is transmitted within the pump using magnetic fields.

Enhancing Pump Safety: A Revolution in Pumping Technology

Traditional pump designs rely on mechanical seals, O-rings, or lubricating cords. While functional, these components have a finite lifespan, eventually requiring replacement as they wear down, risking potential leaks or medium seepage. This situation is particularly hazardous when dealing with toxic substances.

How Seal-less Pumps Work:

Seal-less pumps, however, offer a revolutionary approach. These pumps fall into two main categories due to their diverse designs:

Magnetic Drive Pumps

Pumps with magnetic drive are specialized versions of conventional pumps (centrifugal, gear), where the pump chamber is hermetically sealed, and torque is transmitted within the pump using magnetic fields. This design ensures higher operational safety, eliminating the need for seals. However, compared to traditional pumps, they have slightly lower parameters (reduced torque) and struggle with solid particulate impurities in the pumped fluid.

Naturally Non-Sealed Pumps (Diaphragm, Hose):

These pumps inherently lack traditional seals and function seamlessly, making them ideal for various applications.

Magnetic Drive Pumps:

Pumps with magnetic couplings are a unique adaptation of conventional pumps. In these pumps, the pump chamber is hermetically sealed, and torque is transmitted through the pump using magnetic fields. This innovative design significantly enhances operational safety by eliminating the need for traditional seals. However, these pumps have marginally lower parameters compared to conventional ones (reduced torque) and are less effective at handling solid particulate impurities in the pumped fluid.

Advantages of Magnetic Drive Pumps

  • Hermetic Fluid Isolation: The fluid is completely isolated from the surrounding environment, ensuring absolute safety.
  • Elimination of Seal Issues: Problematic pump sealing has become a thing of the past, increasing pump reliability.

Given these advantages, pumps with magnetic couplings find their most significant application when dealing with low-viscosity, toxic, and aggressive mediums containing minimal solid particles.

At AxFlow, we bring you these cutting-edge Magnetic Drive pumps, revolutionizing your pumping experience. Say goodbye to traditional sealing challenges and usher in a new era of efficiency and safety.

Series 24
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Eoin Cahill
Water & Wastewater, Power generation, Construction & Mining
Brian Coleman
Food & Beverage Sectors.
Brajan Saraci
Pharmaceutical, BioPharma, Chemical and Petrochemical Sectors

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