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AxFlow have had a presence in Aberdeen for over 40 years.


In addition to supplying products to the Offshore Industry, AxFlow's Aberdeen Office has the ability to repair and maintain pumps throughout the North and East of Scotland with it's own test facilities and accreditation to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Our Aberdeen pump repair facility offers a range of capabilities:

In addition to pump repair our Aberdeen Centre offers pump installation and monitoring services.

Brochures are as follows...

Pump Services BrochureHygienic Pump Repair BrochureRemote Monitoring Brochure

Wilden Pump Repair Service

AxFlow offer a professional and documented Wilden Pump Repair Service that only uses original Wilden spare parts.

Read more about Wilden pump repair service

Positive Displacement Pump Repair

As the leading European supplier of positive displacement pumps we are experts in their repair

read more about positive displacement pump repair

Large Pump Installation

AxFlow UK are experts at installing large pumps.

read more about large pump installation

Mechanical Seal Repair

AxFlow are experts at refurbishing all types of mechanical seal.

read more mechanical seal repair

Hygienic Pump Repair

AxFlow are one of the leading suppliers of hygienic pumps to the UK food and beverage industry.

read more about hygienic pump repair
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