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At AxFlow UK, we have a distinct range of different pumps suitable for pumping alcohol and available for order and fitting across the UK.

AxFlow have a variety of different pumps specially selected and suitable for pumping Alcohols which are centred around magnetic dive and canned pump technologies, as they are best suited for optimising the efficiency & cost effectiveness of ethyl alcohol pumping applications.

See our Mag Drive & Canned Pumps catalogue for more information.

Why you should use Axflow's Mag Drive & Canned Pumps for pumping alcohols:

  • Corrosion: Ethanol tends to be corrosive, thus limiting the pump materials which can be used for various components. AxFlow Pumps used for ethanol are constructed using materials that are resistant to ethanol's corrosive effects.
  • Viscosity: Ethyl alcohols tend to have low viscosities, thus affecting the pump's efficiency, especially in applications where precise control of flow rates is required. AxFlow's wide range of pump designs allow for the efficient & effective handling of low-viscosity fluids.
  • Flammability: Ethyl aclohols are highly flammable, thus posing a significant safety risk. AxFlow's Mag Drive & Canned pumps range are ATEX certified, allowing for the safe handling of such fluids.

AxFlow Pumps can assist you in combatting the challenges of pumping alcohols:

Alcohols and ethyl alcohols can have low specific gravities and low viscosities which can present particular problems for pumps. Amongst these problems are low NPSHa, fluid slippage and poor lubrication in the pump chamber.

Contact us if you have any queries regarding alcohol transfer pumps.

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