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APV Homogenisers

APV are the UK and international maket leaders in homogenisers for the food industry.

APV has a very wide range of homogenizers, including laboratory, pilotplant, and production models designed to meet the most specializedemulsion and dispersion applications.

APV brand Gaulin and Rannie homogenizers are used to emulsify liquids, uniformly disperse solid particulates throughout a liquid and for highpressure pumping applications. They are widely used in the dairy, beverageand food industries, for the production of pharmaceutical and healthcare products, biotechnology and chemical applications.

Highly viscous or abrasive products can be handled with ease and APVbrand homogenizers are ideal for use in sterile conditions. They are available in capacities up to 15,850 gal/h (59,999 L/h) and at operating pressures as high as 22,000 psi (1,517 bar). Options include the availability of sound proof cabinets to reduce noiseemissions in higher capacity models.


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