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Exclusive APV Distributor


AxFlow are APV's exclusive distributor for the UK 



The APV product portfolio includes a wide range of pumps, valves, heat exchangers, mixers and homogenizers, designed to operate at maximum efficiency in today's modern process plants. Engineering excellence, innovative design and stringent quality control ensure that the APV range complies with the highest standards for hygiene and performance.

APV's product range breaks down into 4 main areas:



APV Stocks

AxFlow hold over 1.6 million euros of APV products and spare parts in stock

read more about apv stocks

APV Homogenisers

APV has a very wide range of homogenizers, including laboratory, pilotplant, and production models designed to meet the most specialized emulsion and dispersion applications.

read more about apv homogenizers

APV Pumps

APV offer one of the most comprehensive and respected ranges of pumps for food and beverage production.

read more about apv pumps

APV Valves

APV are market leaders in hygienic valves. APV valves have been designed to meet customers' priorities of problem free product flow, safe separation of fluids and ease of maintenance and cleaning...

read more about apv valves
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