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AODD Fault Diagnosis

AxFlow have 60 years experience with AODD pumps here are the many faults associated with AODD pumps


Symptom Cause
Pump won't start Air valve  malfunction/Seizure 
Obstructed fluid line
Obstructed diaphragm chamber
Diaphragm failure
Diaphragm seal failure
Insufficient inlet pressure
Insufficient differential pressure
Air valve system malfunction
Air connected to exhaust
Erratic flow Diaphragm failure on one side
Valve ball not seating
Suction leakage
Diaphragm failure 
Diaphragm seal failure
Air valve system malfunction
Insufficient flow or pressure Discharge head too high
Wrong motor rotation
Pump not primed
Insufficient NPSHa
Liquid boiling
Wear on the carbon cartridges.
Reversed ports
Vanes sticking in the rotor
Excessive suction head
No flow
Pump strokes - no discharge
Air valve  malfunction/Seizure 
Excessive suction lift
Suction line leakage
Valve ball not seated correctly
Suction line or strainer clogged
Diaphragm failure
Fluid discharged from air exhaust Diaphragm Failure
Loose front plate
Intermittent stroke Over lubrication
  Diaphragm shaft seal failure
  Air valve system malfunction
  Valve ball not seated/obstructed



How AODD pumps work

How to select AODD pumps

How to maintain AODD pumps





Same Day Wilden Pump Spares and Pumps

AxFlow stock over 15,000 items of Wilden spares and replacement Wilden pumps in the UK

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Wilden Pump Repair Service

AxFlow offer a professional and documented Wilden Pump Repair Service that only uses original Wilden spare parts.

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