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Centrifugal Pump Support

AxFlow UK offers an extremely large choice of centrifugal pumps

Axflow's range of centrifugal pumps covers almost every type of centrifugal pump that you can think of and brings them to and across the UK. This includes DIN pumps, ISO pumps, hygienic centrifugal pumps, multistage centrifugal pumps, centrifugal pumps that handle solids and canned centrifugal pumps.


Centrifugal Mag Drive Pumps

AxFlow offer a large range of magnetically driven centrifugal pumps

read more about centrifugal mag drive pumps

ISO 5199/2858 Pumps

AxFlow UK offers several ranges of ISO 5199 and ISO 2858 pumps.

read more about ISO 5199/2858 pumps

DIN 24255 - EN 733 Pumps

The international standard for water pumps

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