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ECP Pumps

 External circumferential piston pumps (ECP) 

How they work   

External Circumferential Piston (ECP) pumps are different to rotary lobe pumps.They operate on the circumferential piston principle whereby arc shaped rotor wings (pistons), travel in annular shaped cylinders machined in the pump body. This results in a long sealing path, wide inlet/outlet orifices and large fluid cavities.

In addition to this Waukesha Universal ECP pumps have rotor wings are manufacturered to extremly close tolerances from non gauling Alloy 88 and are designed with no cavity between the rotors, as is the case with rotary lobe pumps, to allow the passge of fluid.

The long sealing path reduces slippage and produces a smooth flow of product without destructive pulses or pressure peaks, and without valves or complex parts.

The wide orifices and large fluid cavity allow ECP pumps to handle large solids and abrasive liquids. The combination of these features means that ECP pumps offer

  • no slippage on product over 200 cP.
  • an extremely gental and smotth pumping action,
  • the ability to handle viscous fluids of up to 200,000 cP,
  • no galling or seizing.
  • an increased priming capability.

The way Waukesha ECP pumps are manufactured allows them to be refubished using oversized rotors and slightly enlarged chambers to prolong their service life and do not suffer from the problem of timing slip as can often be experienced with rotary lobe pumps. Axflow is proud to partner with Waukesha to bring these specially selected ranges to the UK.

Viscosity Measurement

Using this our rheometer AxFlow can measure the viscosity of a liquid and produce a plot of a fluid's viscosity against various shear rates, shear stress and temperatures.

read more about viscosity measurement

Auger Feeder

AxFlow's Auger Feeder Pumping Systems are designed to process a wide variety of heavy and viscous products which cannot be pumped by pumps on their own or pumps fed with hopper feeders.

read more about auger feeder

Waukesha Pump Repair Services

AxFlow has created a standard one day pump training course with the flexibility to suit individual companies' requirements.

more about Waukesha pump repair service

Hygienic Pumps

Hygienic liquid applications require special attention as mistakes can have many negative ramifications.

read more about sanitary and food grade pumps
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