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Project management

AxFlow UK can do more than provide you with a pump, we can design, test and install pumps as well as aftercare, maintence and repairs. 

With well over 50 years history in the pump industry AxFlow have amassed a vast amount of project management experience in a wide range of sectors covering chemical process, oil & gas including offshore, hygienic, power including nuclear, building services, military and large civil projects.

AxFlow offer the following capabilities

  • Design using the latest 3D design software.
  • Contract management including sub contractors andusing the latest project management systems.
  • Documentation management.
  • Witnessed and unwitnessed testing at 3rd party or our own test facilities.
  • Fully managed installation services.
  • Commissioning and fault finding.

AxFlow are accredited members of numerous regulating bodies:

  • Achilles – UVDB
  • Achilles – FPAL
  • Achilles – Chemicals & Allied Trades
  • Avetta
  • Safecontractor
  • SSIP
  • Constructionline
  • SafeContractor


Site Services

AxFlow offer a professional and experienced site services team

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Certificates and Policy Documents

All our latest up to date certificates and policy documents, and financial statements.  

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Technical Manager
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