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Grundfos Smart Digital XL

SMART Digital XL is Grundfos Alldos' latest addition to the range of larger digital metering pumps.

Key specifications

  • Flows up to 200 l/h
  • Pressure Up To 10 bar


  • Accurate - market leading accuracy
  • Flexible – for any application
  • Safe and reliable – due to high accuracy
  • User friendly – easy to set up and operate
  • Cost effective – robust components plus several control variants make external flow meters and plusation dampeners unnecessary


Equipped with powerful speed-controlled stepper motor and latest technology with an accuracy of +/- 1%.

The range includes 2 models, DDE and DDA, each consisting of 3 sizes (60, 120 and 200 l/h).

The models come with a pump head in PVC, PVDF or AISI 316 stainless steel, and with O-rings in either EPDM or FKM (Viton).

Products 2

Grundfos SMART Digital XL - DDE

SMART Digital diaphragm dosing pump with internal stepper motor drive. Economic Digital Dosing even...

Grundfos SMART Digital XL - DDA

SMART Digital diaphragm dosing pump

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Max. capacity
200 l/h
Max. diff. press.
10 bar
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